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A Global Supply Leader

Technic Inc., based in Woonsocket, RI, is a 75 year old global company with over 950 employees. As a global supplier of materials such as specialty chemicals, custom finishing on precision parts such as circuit boards, engineered powders, and more - accuracy is key to guarantee a quality product every time. Working with Hanna Instruments has given Technic Inc. just that!


Testing Critical Parameters

Technic's engineered metal powders are used in different industries, including the solar industry. Due to working with metals, Technic must closely monitor not only their production, but also their wastewater stream. Metals can be extremely hard to remove from municipal wastewater streams, as well as environmentally toxic. Therefore, Technic has to abide by strict local and federal regulations. Technic measures the purity of their metal powders via automatic titration, and the wastewater is also tested and treated onsite.

Check Out Technic's Website

Monitoring via Automatic Titration

Industrial products such as metal powders play an important role in many processes, therefore purity and quality are paramount to their production. Quality checks are not optional; they are mandatory. Sending samples out to a third party lab is expensive, and takes turn-around time (sometimes weeks) to get a result. Meanwhile, monitoring parameters in-house helps to bring the cost per test down, as well as getting results in real-time during production. Technic has been able to successfully monitor the purity of their silver powders via automatic argentometric titration. Ensuring proper analysis enables companies such as Technic to retain customers and to maintain accreditation. 

“We need to have instruments that everyone can use. With Hanna instruments, you only press a few buttons to get your results. That's what I like about Hanna titrators.”
-Justin Lloyd, QA Lab Manager at Technic


Ensuring Wastewater Compliance

The Nation Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) has a permit program that heavily regulates point source discharge in the United States. This would be water discharge by titrator-800by600-hi902Cvolume, and the amount of contaminants allowed per specified volume. The specified limits are strictly enforced, and businesses can be heavily fined if they do not abide by the permits. Technic continuously strives to improve their discharge streams to maintain mandates from the municipal water system.

By purchasing a second titrator, and a research grade benchtop meter, Technic was able to monitor the strength of their alkaline reagent used to treat their wastewater, as well as to check directly for nitrate and ammonia. Thus enabling them to properly treat their wastewater stream.

Simplicity and Accuracy = Results

The user-friendly interface on the automatic titrator was key for technic. They needed any technician to be able to navigate and easily perform the required tests. Not only did they obtain more accurate results, they also have technical assistance from Hanna Instruments whenever a question arises. 

Read the Whole Story HERE!

Got Questions?

For more information regarding how Hanna Instruments can help you with measuring parameters from production to your wastewater, contact us, as sales@hannainst.com or 1-800-426-6287.