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Wine Bottle Tops

The Hanna Instruments team doesn't just want to sell you great instrumentation; we want to work with you to make your product the best it can be. That's why we're constantly creating resources for our customers in all industries.

Our Measuring pH in Wine eBook is designed as a resource for winemakers looking to enhance their measurement approach.

Measuring pH isn't effective unless the data reliably represents the actual condition of your wine. The quality of analytical data depends on proper sampling, appropriate method selection, and effective execution. This guide is designed to help you achieve the required level of accuracy by covering how pH affects wine quality, the necessary tools needed to measure pH, and how to use these tools to get accurate results.

Download the Measuring pH in Wine eBook Now

Here is a brief recap of the three sections included in the eBook. 

Chapter 1: Why pH Matters

This section covers how accuracy of a pH measurement impacts many stages of wine making such as fermentation, aging, fining, stabilization, and bottling.

Improper calibration, storage, or cleaning of the pH electrode may cause inaccurate readings which will impact the chemistry and sensory perception of the wine. We typically see errors of up to 0.5 pH – enough to result in wine spoilage and serious quality issues.

Chapter 2: What You Need

Chapter two outlines all the equipment needed for an ideal pH measurement set up.

pH meter

Must have:

  • 2 point calibration
  • Temperature compensation
  • 0.01 pH resolution
  • An mV scale

Good to have

  • Calibration check
  • Good Laboratory Practices (GLP)
  • Logging

HI2020W edge meter for wine making

edge Wine pH Meter Kit

Wine Specific pH Electrode

  • PTFE junction & glass body combination.
  • Built-in temperature sensor (optional).

Magnetic Stirrer

  • A stirrer should have variable speed control to allow for proper sample mixing. Mixing will ensure a faster electrode response, greater stability, and more accurate measurements.

Electrode Holder

  • An electrode holder will help hold the electrode in the correct position for measurement. A holder also help to avoid damage to the glass pH bulb (it can break when it hits the magnetic stir bar).


  • 100 mL sample beakers (2)
  • 300 mL waste beakers (2)
  • Lab wash bottle with deionized or distilled water (1)

Calibration Buffers

  • Calibration ensures the electrode is synced to the meter. Use pH 3.00 and pH 7.01 buffers for optimal results.

Cleaning Solutions

  • Clogged junctions are the number 1 reason for poor performance in pH measurement. In wine this is particularly important because wine samples (must, juice etc) leave residues on the junction of the pH electrode that will clog it. Hanna makes a cleaning solution specifically designed to clean wine deposits.

Storage Solution

  • A dry pH electrode is the second most common reason for poor performance in pH measurement. A dry pH bulb slows the exchange of ions (the pH reading), which creates false readings (when you record the pH value because you think it is stable, but it is still drifting). Even worse, a dried out electrode could stop working altogether.

Refilling Solution

  • The filling solution of a pH electrode becomes contaminated through the testing process. Emptying out the filling solution and replacing it with fresh solution will help rejuvenate the electrode making it faster, and more responsive.

Click Here to See All of Our Wine Making Resources!

Chapter 3: How to Measure

In this section, we show you a step-by-step process for calibrating your electrode and measuring pH while wine making. You will also get the steps needed to properly maintain and store your electrode – a task that's critical for accurate measurement.

Tips in this section include:

  • How to prepare your electrode and buffers for calibration.
  • How to perform a calibration.
  • Taking your measurements.
  • Storing the electrode after measuring.

There is even a printable checklist that you can keep in your lab to make sure you never skip a step!

Click the eBook to download it now!
